Bachelor's program in Psychology
- Lecture on Biological Psychology I and II (Andreas Fink)
- Selected studies from general or biological psychology (Bernhard Weber)
Seminars on special chapters of biological psychology:
- Current Trends in Imaging in the Field of Biological Psychology (Karl Koschutnig)
- Neuroplasticity (Viktoria Fruhwirth)
- Neuroscientific creativity research (Andreas Fink)
- Biopsychological gender research (Ulrike Ofner)
- Biological foundations of affective functions (Corinna Perchtold-Stefan)
- Biopsychology of morbid curiosity and malevolent behavior (Corinna Perchtold-Stefan)
- Neuroplasticity and sport (Karl Koschutnig)
- Autism spectrum disorders (Claudia Kreiner, Krista Steinbäcker)
- Evolutionary psychology and evolutionary theory (Michael Vogrin)
Master's program in Psychology
- Privatissimum on current research topics in psychology (Andreas Fink, Ilona Papousek)
- Lecture exercise on the basics of biological psychology: brain and behavior for advanced students (Andreas Fink)
- Lecture exercise for the basic specialization in general psychology: Functional specialization of the brain (Ilona Papousek)
- Seminar on basic specialization: Humor (Ilona Papousek)
Seminars on specific research methods:
- Planning, implementation and evaluation of fMRI examinations (Karl Koschutnig)
- Biological psychology - interdisciplinary research (Andreas Fink, Ilona Papousek)
- Electroencephalography EEG (Corinna Perchtold-Stefan)
- Biological psychology - transfer into practice (Andreas Fink, Ilona Papousek)
- Imaging methods (Karl Koschutnig)
Doctoral program in Psychology
Elective subject for doctoral candidates:
- Privatissimum Biological Psychology (Andreas Fink, Ilona Papousek)
- Doctoral candidate seminar (► Link to the doctoral school of psychology)
We offer a broad range of topics and research questions that deal with biological-psychological mechanisms of cognitive and affective functions, biological foundations of personality, the relationship between sport, physical exercise and the brain, different facets of creativity - especially creativity in the affective domain, as well as humor and other constructs at the interface between affective and cognitive functions.
Methodologically, we cover empirical-behavioral, neuroscientific (EEG, fMRI) and psychophysiological parameters (ECG).
Students who have attended relevant courses in our field of work (and therefore also have relevant knowledge) are given preference. This also applies in particular to students who have worked in our department, e.g. in the form of an internship. The ability and willingness to work in a team is also particularly important to us.
Get to know our field of work and become part of our team!
We conduct ongoing studies on a wide range of our ►research fields. We look forward to your support!